I’ve got the spring blues so I thought this might cheer things up
– consider increased risk of bruising withinclude its noninvasive nature and broad applicability. The sildenafil side effects.
It has just been released, take a look at my themes page
19 years ago
Great theme! I love this and fdawn. Elegant and very classic!! You are very talented.
I seem to have a problem, I think it is being caused by a rogue tag which I’m finding difficult to pin down. There was an open div tag in the main index but I found that and so the sidebar displays fine in the main page and also on my sub pages but when I enter one of the posts the sidebar goes to the bottom of the screen again.
Any idea what is causing this?
I have a similar problem in fdawn.
19 years ago
Sorry for being presumptuous, I am now certain that the problem lies with my posts. I am sure there is an open div somewhere.
Fredrik Fahlstad
19 years ago
In what browser does this happen?
19 years ago
Thank You.
Change the colors a bit & I like it even more.
19 years ago
Hey Fredrik this theme RoX !!!
The best thing about your themes are the next release is better then the previous.
Also i like your works because you make themes small, simple and fast.
Please if you find free time, make this themes more and more because trust me much people use it and the whole wordpress community should be welcome to you.
Cheers, CoXiS
Bonita in Pink
19 years ago
I love both the fgala and this one..
I’m gonna have to download these and play with them.
Your work is always admirable.
Waviaei » Theme„ÇÇÊò•„Çâ„Åó„Åè
19 years ago
[…] „É܄ɺ„Éû„Çí§âÊõ¥„ÄÇHemingway„ÇÇËâØ„ÅÑ„Åë„Å©„Å°„Çá„Å£„Å®Êöó„ÅÑ„ÅÆ„Åß„ÄÅÂ?ë„ÅóÊòé„Çã„ÇÅ„ÅƄŴ§âÊõ¥„ÄÇ„Åù„ÅÆÂêç„ÇÇ„ÄåfSpring„Äç„Åß„Åô„ÄÇË£?‰?úËÄÖ„ÅÆFredrik Fahlstad„Åï„Çì„Å؉ªñ„Å´„ÇÇ„Ç?„É?„Éó„É´„ÅßÁ??È?ó„Å™„É܄ɺ„Éû„ÇíÂÖ¨Èñã„Çå„Ŷ„Åæ„Åô„ÄÇLatest Comments„Éó„É©„Ç?„ǧ„É?„ÅÆË°®Á§?„Åå‰?äÊâã„ÅèˮĄţ„Ŷ„Å™„ÅÑ„Çà„ÅÜ„Åß„Åô„Åå„ÄÅÊôÇÈñì„Çí˶ã„ŧ„Åë„Ŷ‰øÆÊ?£„Åó„Åæ„Åô„ÄÇ […]
19 years ago
Right after I launched my blog, I started looking for the perfect theme. And believe me I have looked at everything that is out there. This theme is by far the best one I have seen. It is very clean and easy to navigate. Thank you so much for giving life to my blog. You can check it out at http://www.cafefernando.com.
19 years ago
Yep, this is actually the best theme I’ve seen for WordPress, or any other blog for that matter! Thanks ever so much! 😀
19 years ago
To everyone getting the sidebar problem, just put an IE hack in style.css to resize the sidebar from 239px to 220px. It worked for me…see if it works out for you.
Just change it to look like this….
#sidebar {
width: 239px;
_width: 220px;
float: right;
line-height: 1.5em;
margin: 8px 8px 8px 0px;
padding: 10px;
Note the underscore before the second instance of the width tag…that is the IE hack. Hope this works for everyone.
Fredrik, this theme is awesome. I modded it a little on my site and am using it right now. Thanks for the time and dedication to a good theme.
18 years ago
In my sidebar fspring causes a problem activating optioncount=1 to list_cats. If I do so a br or so is added so that the (5) or so is not on the same line as the category name. I think this is a problem of the css but I don’t know where to find the reason for this behaviour.
Can anybody help and tell me enableling optioncount?
18 years ago
I’m using this theme too, but I have found a litle problem, in 800×600 you get horizontal scroll, and the default themes don’t have this problem.
By the way, nice theme!
18 years ago
Thanks for the IE fix Chris, it works great!
Lars, I know exactly what you are talking about – it’s a little funky. I’m still trying to find the solution to that, if I get it I’ll post it.
18 years ago
The problem with the postcount numbers being displayed below the category name is due to the “display:block;” line under “#sidebar ul li a {”
I’ve had no luck in finding a way to replicate the “display:block;” manually in a way that would give desired placement to both side menu and category numbers. As far as I can tell, there is no way to keep the category numbers on the same line while using “display:block;” =(
18 years ago
This is a great theme. I love it. Thanks.
I can’t seem to get the blogroll working on the side bar. It is enabled, and works with other themes no problems.
If you can email me with a soloution that would be awesome Fredrik. Thanks again.
18 years ago
I had the same problem as a few others with the optioncount=1 showing the count on a new row. I found the solution in changing the CSS.
1. remove the ‘display: block;’ line in the #sidebar ul li a { part
2. change the ‘display: inline;’ part in the #sidebar ul li { to ‘display: block;’.
this works for me…:)
18 years ago
I’ve installed this theme and I love it’s elegance.
I’d like to add Google Adsense to my site – with ads appearing on the single.php page – only there isn’t one.
How have people addressed this problem?